Linkage & Recognition

Through our partnerships with national and international organizations and entrepreneurship support organizations, we aim to provide the best value for our entrepreneurs through these programs.


The Queen Rania national entrepreneurship competition (Orange Corners edition) empowers entrepreneurs, especially young people, from around the country to create a culture for entrepreneurship and to promote entrepreneurial spirit. Participants are invited to submit their innovative ideas and projects in the 15th edition of QRNEC 2025, which is designed to develop entrepreneurial skills for the participants and help them in developing their business plans, as well as create more awareness on potential opportunities in technology startups in addition to recognizing innovative and outstanding technology business ideas, projects, and startups.

Queen Rania National Entrepreneurship Competition (QRNEC)

The Queen Rania National Entrepreneurship Competition (QRNEC) empowers entrepreneurs, especially young people, from around the country to create a culture for entrepreneurship and to promote entrepreneurial spirit. Participants are invited to submit their innovative ideas and projects in the 15th edition of QRNEC 2025, which is designed to develop entrepreneurial skills for the participants and help them in developing their business plans.

Eligible Sectors 

The QRNEC seeks innovative ideas from individuals, research teams, entrepreneurs, in addition to early-stage startups for new products, processes, and services in the following areas:

• Internet and IoT: The Internet of Things, or “IoT” for short, is about extending the power of the internet beyond computers and smartphones to a whole range of other things, processes, and environments.
• Hardware Technology: Refers to the physical elements that make up a computer or electronic system and everything else involved that is tangible.
• Mobile technology: goes where the user goes. It consists of portable two-way communications devices, computing devices, and the networking technology that connects them.

Targeted Group

Bootcamp areas

Orange Corners – QRNEC 2024 Timeline

Registration and submission of ideas 

To participate in the Competition must submit the first online application through the following link:

The deadline for the submission of the idea is April 20th, 2025, at 23:59 Amman time.

The Prize Value

Implemented by:

Strategic Partner:

 Zain Innovation Campus (ZINC) is an entrepreneurial ecosystem enabling platform where youth, entrepreneurs, mentors, investors, and entities can come together as a community with the joint goal of igniting a prosperous and collaborative entrepreneurial ecosystem. ZINC builds the capacity of youth and helps startups learn more about their product/market fit, their market opportunity, and how their added value differentiates them from existing products and services. Moreover, ZINC helps in establishing companies and creating job opportunities by enabling entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into realities. Lastly, it provides opportunities for startups to scale up, and drive their businesses towards market leadership. 



Beneficiaries and partners feedback

I have never worked with people who are enthusiastic and passionate about their work as the guys at QRCE, I believe that QRCE and its executive team are role-models and should be recognized as the main engine and connection for entrepreneurship in Jordan, it would give me great honor to work with them again and again as I am sure and positive that the energy and passion these people have can be spread all over our beloved country Jordan

Step by step Process